Selamat pagi pemirsa, kembali
bersama saya Rida fitriana dan Neng intan shintya G di acara Seputar Indonesia,
untuk mengabarkan berita- berita yang teraktual, tajam dan terpercaya, yang
kami rangkum dalam Seputar Indonesia pagi ini.
Good morning
viewers, back with me Rida fitriana and Neng intan shintya G on the show
seputar Indonesia, to spread the news that actual, sharp and reliable, which we
summarized in seputar Indonesia this morning.
- · ISI
Banjir di kabupaten bandung
Pada hari kamis, 24 mei 2012, hujan
deras mengguyur selama beberapa jam mengakibatkan banjir di empat kecamatan di
Kabupaten bandung, jawa barat. Ribuan rumah di 60 desa terendam banjir
dengan ketinggian mencapai satu setengah meter. Jalan, sekolah, serta pasar
juga terendam banjir mengakibatkan semua Aktivitas warga di empat kecamatan
juga lumpuh total. Selanjutnya maria ulfah melaporkan dari bandung, jawa barat.
(Terima kasih atas laporannya Maria)
Flooding in the district bandung
On Thursday, 24 May 2012, heavy rains flushed for several hours resulted in floods in four districts in Bandung, West Java. Thousands of houses in 60 villages were submerged by the flood reached a height of one-half meter. Roads, schools, and flooded the market also resulted in all the activities of residents in four districts are also paralyzed. Maria Ulfah further report from Bandung, West Java. (Thanks for the report Maria)
On Thursday, 24 May 2012, heavy rains flushed for several hours resulted in floods in four districts in Bandung, West Java. Thousands of houses in 60 villages were submerged by the flood reached a height of one-half meter. Roads, schools, and flooded the market also resulted in all the activities of residents in four districts are also paralyzed. Maria Ulfah further report from Bandung, West Java. (Thanks for the report Maria)
Berita Tadi menutup Acara Seputar Indonesia Pagi. Rida Fitriana and Neng intan
shintya G mengucapkan terimakasih Dan sampai Jumpa.